Samsung recently launched its first XR virtual reality headset project, Project Moohan, which runs on the new Android XR platform developed by Google. Although the basic information of the product has been revealed, many specific details are still kept secret. However, one notable information has just been confirmed: Samsung’s XR headset will support Google’s Find My Device feature.
In an interview with Android Faithful, Shahram Izadi – Vice President and General Manager of AR/XR at Google confirmed that Android XR devices, including Samsung’s XR headset, will integrate this feature. This means that users will easily locate the device in case of loss, just like how they search for their Android phones.
Although this information is not too surprising because Android XR is based on the Android operating system and uses Google services, this is still a big plus in terms of convenience. Find My Device not only helps locate your device but also enhances the seamless user experience on devices running Android XR.
If you are interested in Android XR, check out Izadi’s full interview with Android Faithful. He shares more interesting insights about the direction and future of AR/XR technology from Google. With the collaboration between Samsung and Google, the upcoming XR glasses promise to be a major step forward in the virtual reality industry.