Online free barcode generator tool
The most popular free online barcode generator today.
The most used barcode types are Ean-13, Ean-8, Code-128, EAN, UPC, GS1 DataBar, QR Code®, Data Matrix, PDF417, Postal Codes, ISBN, etc…
Instructions for creating barcodes
Many businesses ask questions about the most popular barcode creation tool today. Using barcodes makes goods management simple and saves time. However, if you don’t have product barcodes, software or an online barcode generator is the solution you need.
The Barcode Generator tool we provide is a reliable choice for many businesses and individuals. This helps them manage goods and business operations more effectively. OnlQR provides professional code generation, supports multiple barcode formats, and allows flexible editing.
By using OnlQR’s code generation tool, businesses can save time and effort in creating product barcodes. This tool offers automation features, barcode editing, and increased inventory management efficiency. Using barcodes also reduces the risk of incorrect information compared to manual data entry. At the same time, barcode scanning is faster and more reliable than manual methods.

Step 1
Select the Barcode type that suits your business needs in one of the Linear Codes / EAN / UPC sections
For Vietnamese businesses, the corresponding country code type is EAN-13
Step 2
In the Data section, enter the business code issued by the GS1 National Barcode Center

Step 3
Select the image format you need to download in the Image Format section
At the same time, adjust the image parameters to match the packaging print size
Step 4
Finally, check the created barcode and download it to use

So the barcode creation steps have been completed.
Note: Before creating barcodes for products, sellers need to pay attention to registering the use of barcodes with the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality to ensure that barcodes are considered legal in the market.
Businesses that need support in registering GS1 barcodes, please send email for detailed advice.